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I, David Kiyoshi Murotake, having been appointed an officer in the Army of
the United States in the grade of Lieutenant do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or
purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter;
So help me God. (June 1975)
Go Green! Save the Planet! |
David Murotake supports Conservation |
for A Cause Greater Than Self
David is Catechist & Eucharistic Minister |
at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Nashua |
Civil Air Patrol - NH Wing - Nashua Squadron |
David Murotake is a CAP Mission Observer and Ground Branch Director |
Red Cross Greater Nashua/Souhegan Valley |
David Murotake supports Red Cross |
David Murotake is a member of the Greater Nashua Medical Reserve Corps |
Daniel Webster Council |
Swift Water Girl Scout Council (NH) |
David Murotake was a Girl Scout Troop Co-Leader |
Help the Homeless - Feed the Hungry |
D Murotake supports Nashua Soup Kitchen |
Get involved with your church |
David Murotake is Past Grand Knight of Nashua Council 12311, Knights of Columbus |
HSUS for Greater Nashua |
Support Humane Society! |
Protect Life Fight for Human Rights
Fight for Human Rights |
Support Amnesty International |
John 8:11
Download Voter Guide Now |
NH Right to Life gives David Murotake perfect Pro-Life report card |
Help Nashua women & their children in crisis! |
David Murotake supports Marguerite's Place |
Protect Liberty - Support & Defend the Constitution
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
NH Liberty Alliance endorses David Murotake |
New Hampshire Free Market Think Tank |
Helps you understand NH budget process |
David Murotake has joined Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty! |
The US Constitution - Foundation of Liberty |
Click above to see the text of the Contstitution |
Original Amendments as ratified |
NH State Constitution - Click the State Seal |
America's most pro-Liberty State Constitution! |
the Environment Fight Global Warming Save the Planet
AMC - New Hampshire |
David Murotake belongs to AMC |
David Murotake supports Defenders of Wildlife |
David Murotake is a member of Society to Protect New Hampshire Forests |
Find the "Greenest" cars... Click below |
David Murotake drives a Smart Passion :) |
Click below for details & larger NH Wind Map |
Bring clean energy industries to NH! |
David Murotake is a NRA Life Member |
David Murotake is a Nashua Fish and Game member |
600 yard High Power range - CMP Civilian Marksmanship Program - NRA affiliated |
David Murotake is an Army Veteran and served with the Combat Engineers &
Army Security Agency
David Murotake is an Army Veteran |
Click the picture for VA website at Manchester NH |
M113 Armored Personnel Carrier |
David Murotake was a Combat Engineer and ASA Officer |
David Murotake belongs to American Legion Post 3 in Nashua NH |
- Ward 5 home-owner since 1982
- Ward 5 small business owner since 2002
- Nashua School Board Member since 2009
- NH State Representative, Ward 5, since 2012
- Reform K-16 Public Education - Oppose Common Core
- Supports Renewable Energy - use for
Solar Energy and Hydroelectric Power
- Supports Small Business & High Tech Job Creation
- Supports Right to Work
- US Army Veteran
- Will protect 2nd Amendment - Endorsed by NRA and NHFC
- Pro-Life Catholic Christian, professedSecular
Carmelite (OCDS)
- Second-generation
Science, Technology and Energy David was trained at the MIT Sloan School for a wide variety
of strategic technology planning and leadership positions, including management of large corporate and national laboratories.
David has: - A Ph.D. in Management of Technological Innovation
- 8 years on the
Board of Directors of an international industry association
- Over forty years
of technology experience, including fourteen years as a high-tech entrepreneur and small business owner
- Two years experience as a US diplomat to a UN agency in Geneva, the International Telecommunications
This experience gives David
both the domestic and international perspective needed to help NH develop a strategic plan for next-generation initiatives
in science, technology and energy. I support renewal energy, supporting more use of more hydroelectric power and "rooftop
solar" energy panels. We need to create high quality JOBS to compete on the world stage. We MUST stop the “flat
spin” death-spiral our economy is in. We suffer from an ever-aging population, an exodus of high-tech jobs, and departure
of our trained young citizens at an alarming rate. We are in danger of losing our New Hampshire Advantage! Public Education - "Education
is the Foundation of Liberty"
David has served on the Nashua School Board since his election in 2009, as one of nine at-large Board
of Education members, and has demonstrated his ability to lead innovative reform in the Nashua Schools, leveraging his Ph.D.
in Management of Innovation from the MIT Sloan School to help develop a strategic vision for innovative change. He is well
known for his bi-partisan approach to problem solving without sacrificing conservative principles. As Chairman of
Curriculum and Evaluation, he works closely with teachers, administration and other elected officials to help reform public
school curriculum in math, science and technology. .He is aware of the disastrous effects of an overly rapid adoption of Common
Core State Standards, and fought both at State and Local levels to delay the hurried pace of implementing the new Standards.
He also opposes excessive testing, and believes academic tests should test academics, NOT psychometrics and "grit"
as the Smarter Balanced Assessments do. Military Veteran
David enlisted
in 1971: - Commissioned in 1975
- Trained in Combat Engineering, Atomic Demolitions, Special Weapons and Intelligence
- Served five years
active duty, most of it deployed to West Germany. Served as Combat Engineer platoon leader, ASA Liaison, and S-2 (Chief of
Intelligence) of 4th Brigade, 4th Infantry in Wiesbaden FRG
- Resigned active duty in
- Continues to serve in the US Air Force Auxiliary (Civil Air Patrol) as volunteer aircrew, Ground Team
Leader, Mission Staff and member of Chaplains Service
- On 9/11, served as volunteer mission staff
at FEMA-1 during first 3 days as a member of the Federal Incident Command Staff helping to coordinate Federal response to
the Greater New York Area emergency response.
Conservative - Member of NH GOP State Committee
David has been a registered Republican
voter for 40 years: - Life member Republican National Committee (RNC)
- Twice awarded RNC
Ronald Reagan Medal
- Member of NH GOP State Committee since 2008
- Elected as GOP Convention
Delegate for Nashua Ward 5 since 2008.
- A-rated by NH Right to Work
- Original TEA Party activist - Attended first TEA
Party Rally
- Signed several limited government Tax Pledges.
- Constitutional conservative
- Endorsed by non-partisan
NH Liberty Alliance
- Rated A+ by NH Families for Education
- Endowment Member of the
National Rifle Association
- Endorsed in 2016 General Election by NRA, NH Firearms Coalition
Pro-Life Christian Life begins at the moment of conception, and ends at natural death.
Life and Love are both gifts from God. David is strongly pro-life: - Participated in pro-life
marches & prayer vigils
- Testified to NH Legislature to restore Parental Notification and defund abortion
- Secular member
Discalced Carmelite Order (OCDS)
- Past Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus Council 12311
- Catechist and
Eucharistic Minister at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Nashua
Conservation David wants to preserve our natural resources
but does not support RGGI: - Supports public transportation
- Member of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC)
- Supports increasing use of hydroelectric power and "rooftop solar"
energy panels.
Applied Math Test |
My son sent me this in an email :) |
All of our children attended Nashua schools. |
Top L to R: Allen, Barbara, Susan, Amanda. Bottom: Dave, Tommie. |
About Me:
Dear Friends: My name is David Murotake. I am a fiscal conservative and have lived in Nashua since 1982. I'm the son and grandson of legal immigrants from Japan who settled in Hawaii.
I'm a "Nisei", a second-generation Japanese American born in Hawaii in 1954. Since my first language was
Japanese, I'm also what the school systems call an "ESL" - an "English as a Second Language" speaker.
I was also a "low socio-economic status" (Low SES) child who grew up in Kalihi-kai in Hawaii (Dog the Bounty Hunter's
home "hood"). Parent, Volunteer and Home School
Teacher: My wife Tommie and I moved to Nashua in 1982 after we both served in the US Army. We've
raised four children in Nashua and sent them through the local school system. I ran a registered Nashua home school for one of my children, and both of us were registered volunteers
with Nashua schools. My teaching experience includes the positions of Instructor in psychology at the MIT Sloan School, senior
teaching assistant for Electronics Laboratory at MIT, Sunday School teacher for over 12 years at St. Joseph parish (K-8),
Character Development Instructor in the Civil Air Patrol, and many years of working with youth as a registered Cub Scout,
Boy Scout and Girl Scout leader in Packs and Troops from Nashua Wards 4, 5 and 8.
Pledge: Oppose any and all new taxes |
David Murotake signed ATR Taxpayer Protection Pledge |
A Scholar: I graduated as Valedictorian of Immaculata
High School Class of 1971. I attended MIT on a full academic scholarship, converting an Academy appointment (my choice of
Westpoint, Annapolis or Air Force Academy) into a 4-year ROTC scholarship to the college of my choice. I graduated with three
degrees (SB, SB, SM) in 1977. After five years in the Army, I returned to
civilian life in 1982 and obtained my Ph.D. in 1990 from the MIT Sloan School on a fully funded doctoral program paid for
by RCA. I have gone back to school, and am working for the M.Ed. degree program, majoring in Curriculum and Instruction at Rivier College . A Veteran: I come from a proud 3-generation military family. I'm
an Army Veteran and served with the Combat Engineers and Army Security Agency. I'm the son of a retired Army Chief Warrant
Officer with two Vietnam combat tours, and the father of a Navy Corpsman back from his third deployment in the Global War
on Terror supporting our Marines. .
Pledge: Limit budget growth to rate of inflation |
David Murotake has taken the NH Advantage pledge |
A Fiscal Conservative: I believe in Limited Government, support Nashua's Tax Cap, and have signed the New
Hampshire Advantage pledge, the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers (CNHT) Taxpayer Pledge, and the New Hampshire Taxpayer
Pledge. I do not support broad based taxes, such as income taxes or sales taxes, to support any increase in the size of Government
- including our public schools. I also believe we need to enhance the education our children receive, making Nashua a more
attractive place for people to move to. This in turn, enhances the value of our City's real estate and increasing revenues
into our City and State educational trust funds. However, the taxpayer supports many programs in our schools which are NOT
mandated by State or Federal laws and regulations - programs like competitive sports in the high schools and middle schools,
and activities like year book, school play, debate and others which are supported by the taxpayer. To save these activities
in the face of certain budget cuts, we will need to institute an activity program - called "pay to play" in many
of the cities which have adopted this type of fee in their schools... A Small Business Owner: I started SCA Technica, Inc (www.scatechnica.com), a Nashua based Small Business in 2002. We've won seven competitive US Government R&D contracts since our start-up, sold
our first patent in 2007, and granted our first two US Patents in July 2008 and February 2009.
Pledge: Fight sales, income, broad-based taxes |
David Murotake has taken the CNHT pledge |
As the owner of a high-tech startup company and a 27-year resident of Nashua,
I understand well the issues facing education K-12 in this city, and the challenges that face it. I am also experienced in
the fiscal governance and management of non-profit organizations. I studied Fiscal Control of Non-Profit Organizations at
USC's graduate school, and have served as a member of the Board of Directors of an international non-profit industry association
(www.sdrforum.org) for over 6 years. I will do my best to use my professional management and educational experience to help
Nashua's school system, the parents, and taxpayers of Nashua face and overcome our challenges. As a member of the School Board I will serve to improve the quality and safety of our children's educations,
while keeping taxes as low as possible.
A Christian Volunteer! I've been an active public service volunteer and environmental activist since my high school days. I also have
extensive volunteer experience in Nashua. I'm a Catechist and
Eucharistic Minister at St. Joseph the Worker parish in Nashua Ward 5, and have taught Sunday School there for over a dozen
years. I'm a Secular Carmelite (OCDS) in the St. Therese community in Nashua. I'm also a Past Grand Knight of Council 12311, Knights of Columbus at St. Joseph the Worker parish. I've also served for many years as a "cheerleader
dad" (the male version of "soccer mom") with my three daughters... .
Small Brown Scapular |
David Murotake is in formation for OCDS |
My ministry extends to the Chaplain's Service of the Civil Air Patrol - the
civilian auxiliary of the US Air Force - where I serve as a Character Development Instructor (an assistant to Chaplains).
I am a CAP First Responder, a FEMA ICS-300 qualified Ground Branch Director, ground team leader, air search and a rated Senior
Mission Observer for air search and rescue. I'm also a certified Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) peer for individuals
and groups. During the 9-11 Crisis, I was one of the first CAP volunteers activated to assist Federal resources manning the
FEMA-1 Command Post, coordinating disaster relief operations for the New York metropolitan area and New England. I lived at
FEMA-1 for the next 72 hours helping FEMA and other agencies in trying to cope with the Twin Towers disaster.This surprised
me, as I expected to be aircrew in a CAP aircraft flying reconnaissance missions over the Twin Towers...In addition, I am
trained up through ICS-300 in the Incident Command System, and have specialized training in incident command staff in response
to terrorist/WMD situations in addition to normal emergency services.
A Scout Leader, I'm a past Assistant Scoutmaster and Merit Badge Counselor, Boy Scout Troop 410
at Immaculate Conception Church in Nashua Ward 8. I'm a former Pack committee chair (Cub Scout Pack 255 in Ward 4) and former
Girl Scout co-leader (several Troops in Wards 4, 5), I served as a registered volunteer Math tutor at Nashua high school for
two years and taught a registered Nashua Home School for two years. Many years ago - in Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany,
a community with over 5,000 families - I served as a community United Way chairman for two years. I am also very active
in my industry doing "pro-bono" work - having founded and chaired over half a dozen international working groups
and special interest groups in the field of software defined radio (SDR). I am a past vice-chair of the SDR Forum Technical
Committee, and immediate past chair of its Markets Committee. In October 2008 I was re-elected to a sixth term as a member
of its Board of Directors, currently representing Small Company members.
JFK - Inaugural Address - YouTube Video |
David Murotake did what JFK wanted, volunteering for worthy causes. |
My Favorite Presidents President John F. Kennedy: He inspired me as a young child. I wept when
he was assasinated. He was a Veteran and a War Hero, a capable Commander in Chief, but a man of Vision and Peace. JFK brought
CHANGE as only a war hero and visionary commander-in-chief can. He re-structured the US Military, moving it from a "strategic
nuclear force" to a mixed force that could be used in counter-insurgencies and today's Global War on Terror. He established
the Green Berets - predecessor of today's Special Operations forces. He believed in volunteerism and started the Peace Corps. He challenged us. JFK was a Life Member of the NRA, and
a staunch defender of the Constitution and our Second Amendment Rights! If any man today claims to be like JFK, he should
only look back on history and ask, "In what way am I like that man?" JFK left very big
shoes to fill. So, too did his brother Robert Kennedy, brutally murdered while he was the Democratic front-runner... .
Ronald Reagan - Inaugural Address - YouTube Video |
My favorite photo & quotations of President Reagan |
President Ronald Reagan: He is another one of my two favorite
Presidents. He was also one of my two Commanders in Chief, and one that every soldier I knew trusted to lead us into just
causes. More than any other President, his policies brought about the end of the Cold War. The policy is neatly summed
up by his motto: "Peace Through Strength". As a moderate and a "fusionist", Ronald Reagan was
villified by both the Right and the Left. But the vast majority of the American people (including me) loved him, and he united
a divided nation. Ronald Reagan even had a strong base of support in the Democratic Party. Like JFK, Reagan was a NRA member and staunch Second Amendment defender. "The Constitution does not say Government shall decree the right to keep and bear arms.
The Constitution says `the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.`" - President Ronald
Reagan. "No group does more to promote
gun safety and respect for the laws of this land than the NRA, and I thank you. Still, we've both heard the charges that supporting
gun owners' rights encourages a violent, shoot-em-up society. Don't they understand that most violent crimes are not committed
by decent, lawabiding citizens, they're committed by career criminals? Hard-core criminals use guns, and locking them up and
throwing away the key is the best gun control law we could ever have." - President Ronald Reagan
My Education I studied as hard as I could in school and graduated as the Valedictorian of Immaculata
High School in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1971. I won a scholarship which gave me my choice of admission into Westpoint Military
Academy, Annapolis Naval Academy, or the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Instead, I converted my scholarship into a
full ROTC Scholarship at MIT, where I was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army in 1975. Later, after I completed my
Army active duty assignment, the RCA Corporation awarded me a fully funded Ph.D. Program to the school of my choice. Offered
admissions by the MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard's JFK School of Government, I chose to return to MIT, using my
GI Bill and other Veterans benefits to help out with raising my family while attending school.
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering. Minor: Political Science. Bachelor
of Science, English Literature & Creative Writing. Minor: Theoretical Math Master of Science: Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science. Doctor of Philosophy: Management of Technological Innovation (MIT Sloan School) I am currently enrolled in the M.Ed. program at Rivier College, majoring in Curriculum
and Instruction...